Friday, February 10, 2012

Letter of Complaint to State Farm

My letter to the second biggest holder of Caterpillar stock:

State Farm Insurance Team,

As a resident of London, Ontario, I wish to express my views upon learning of State Farm's holdings of Caterpillar stock. Caterpillar have done a great deal of harm to the community I live in, by taking over a company they never intended to keep intact. The Caterpillar corporate bandits have heartlessly torn good tax-paying economy-supporting jobs away all the while lying to this city about their intentions.

As a result of your connection, I will never be a customer of this company. I will be sure to tell my friends who are looking for an insurance company of how State Farm benefits from corporate raiders harm to the province of Ontario. Many people in the social media of the area will no doubt be interested in learning of this connection.

I hope State Farm reconsiders its association with this ruthless company.

In sincerity,

Thane Silliker