CAT Drops By to Spy
CAT Management dropped by to spy today to see what Boycott CAT in Canada is up to.
Having worked for CAT, I can guess the following scenario, (betting my CAT hat), happened in their corporate office:
Visit #2 lasted 7 minutes and 48 seconds, the Executive who has to decide how to shut us down.
Visit #1, lasting 49 minutes and 2 seconds, was the gopher assigned to photocopy every page of this web site. The gopher's job is to spy the Internet for anything and everything said about CAT.
Game On!
(BTW, management get nicer monitors on their desk computers, as you can see between the first visit versus the one on the gopher's desk assigned to photocopy this site.)
Visit #2 (The Pi**ed Off Executive)
Visit #1 (The Gopher)